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Welcome to the 7th/8th Grade League Information page.  This is the level where the players start playing "real baseball", exposing them to the rules they will play under when in High School.  The 7th graders always have a bit of a learning curve with the longer bases and throws, bigger bats, faster pitching, but they all adapt quickly.  The games are fun and move faster, making for a more enjoyable experience for both player and parent. 
I look forward to seeing you all on the fields this summer!

League Rules Overview

For Handbook and Rules visit:

Position restrictions:
Pitchers - 3 Innings/game, 10 innings/week
Fielders - none
Playing Time - none

BBCOR Certified
-3, 2 5/8ths max

Game Details:
7 Innings (4 1/2), 10 runs after 5
Umpires - Patched
Time limit - 2 1/2 hours
Inning run limit - none
Bases 80', Mound 54'

14U Fields

Dooley East, Hoover South and Falk (Hale)

Anthony Butera
