Our mission as the SAA Softball Board is the girls. Making sure they are safe, learning this wonderful game, and most importantly having fun. Please contact any of us if you have questions about the program.
Head Commissioner
Asst. Head Commissioner & Equipment
Secretary & Scheduling
Umpire in Charge
Park District
Pictures & Trophies/Marketing
Player/Coach Development
6U (T-Ball) Commissioner
The 6U League is for girls with birthdates between 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2019 (approximately grade levels Pre-school and Kindergarten). Teams are formed by area, school, or request when possible. Girls hit from coach pitch and a tee.
8U (Pee Wee) Commissioner
The 8U League is for girls with birthdates between 1/1/2016 - 12/31/2017 (approximately grade levels 1st and 2nd). Teams are formed by area, school, or request when possible. Girls will throw 2 pitches per batter in an effort to get them prepared for the next level. If the ball is not hit, the coach will then pitch followed by a tee if necessary.
10U (Juniors) Commissioner
The 10U League is for girls with birthdates between 1/1/2014 - 12/31/2015 (approximately grade levels 3rd and 4th). This is the first level to play a post season tournament. Modified fastpitch rules apply.
12U (Intermediates) Commissioner
The 12U League is for girls with birthdates between 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2013 (approximately grade levels 5th and 6th). Modified fastpitch rules apply.
14U (Majors) Commissioner
The 14U League is for girls with birthdates between 1/1/2010 - 12/31/2011 (approximately grade levels 7th and 8th). Fastpitch rules apply.
High School (Seniors) Commissioner
The High School League is for girls who are freshman through 19 years old. All players must not be older than 19 years of age at any point during the season.
Tournament/Fall Teams
Tournament teams play in parallel with the spring summer season. Additional fees apply.
The Fall Ball season will consist of approximately 8 games. Each team will have 1 day a week for practice and 1 game (typically on Saturdays).