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What happens during a season of baseball?

04/12/2015, 7:15pm CDT
By Webmaster

For the summer leagues, signups begin in late December and continue through February.  At the end of February, evaluations are held for all players at the Sports Center on Irving Park Rd. by the airport.  These are held so that the coaches can do their best to make the teams as equal as possible.  It usually takes less than an hour for any one player.  Teams are created in early March and your coach will contact you by phone or email with information on your first team meeting.  There, you will be provided with practice schedules and meet your teammates.
Practices begin the last weekend in March or first weekend in April.  All a player needs is some good base running shoes, a glove and a protective cup.  Everything else is provided by SAA Baseball.  Your managers can guide you if you desire to purchase your own equipment like bats or helmets.
During March, you will be fitted and given a uniform which consists of a jersey, pants, socks and a cap.  At the end of April is picture day and OPENING DAY!  Games will take place through May and June.  Leagues in 3rd grade (8u) and over have a all-star game the last weekend in June followed by playoffs.
Please check your league pages for additional rules specific to your grade level (will be updated in February).  Follow the links along the menu above for information on Fall Baseball, Tournament Teams and how to become a manager or coach. 

Tag(s): Baseball